About Michelle Hammer

Michelle Hammer is a Schizophrenia Activist and spends her time passionately fighting stigma. She is an NYC native featured in the WebMD documentary Voices, which was nominated for a Tribeca X Award at the Tribeca Film Festival 2018. Michelle was diagnosed with schizophrenia at 22 after a misdiagnosis of bipolar at age 18. At 27, Michelle decided to use her artistic talents and fearless personality to do something that could benefit the mental health community. In May 2015, she founded a mental health-focused clothing brand. Schizophrenic.NYC is a clothing brand with the mission of reducing stigma by starting conversations about mental health. Michelle has also been featured in many media outlets such as ABC, NBC, CBS, MashableThe Daily MailStylist, and Buzzfeed.

WebMD Documentary

Through the documentary ‘Voices’ by WebMD, Michelle’s voice reached a global audience, creating a ripple effect of empathy and understanding. Her story became a catalyst for change, inspiring others to challenge their preconceived notions about schizophrenia and paving the way for a more inclusive and compassionate society. Michelle’s involvement in the documentary not only elevated her personal journey but also empowered her to continue advocating for mental health awareness, leaving an indelible mark on the world and igniting a movement of acceptance and support.

A Bipolar, A Schizophrenic, And A Podcast.

A BIPOLAR, A SCHIZOPHRENIC, AND A PODCAST was the first podcast by people with mental illness for people with mental illness. Each episode looks at life through the unique lens of people living with depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. The podcast is hosted by Gabe Howard and Michelle Hammer.

Schizophrenic.NYC Mental Health Clothing & Lifestyle Brand

Schizophrenic.NYC was created, founded, & designed by Michelle Hammer, a Schizophrenic New Yorker who wants to make a difference in the way the mentally ill homeless are treated in NYC as well as change the way New Yorkers feel about mental illness. Worse than having Schizophrenia, is being Schizophrenic or have any mental illness and being homeless. There is nothing that upsets us more than seeing mentally ill people living on the streets of NYC. We want this to change now. Together we can make a difference. With every purchase made a portion of our profits get donated to organizations around NYC that support the struggle of the mentally ill homeless.  Together we can make a change.  Join the movement.

I sell T-Shirts, Tank Tops with unique phrases, or Rorschach Tests. Additionally, I offer my artwork for sale, and also include my artwork on leggings, pillboxes, and jewelry.

Answering Your Schizophrenia Questions

Answering questions about schizophrenia is important because it helps break down misunderstandings and promotes empathy. When we take the time to answer questions, we can give accurate information about what schizophrenia is really like. This helps fight against the stigma and discrimination that people with schizophrenia often face. By answering questions, we create a safe and supportive environment where people can learn and understand more about this mental health condition. It also lets individuals with schizophrenia know that they’re not alone and that there are people who care and want to help. So, let’s keep asking and answering questions to create a more inclusive and understanding society!

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